swinburne by rosetti

:::: swinburne ::::









:::: poetic ::::

Burgundy: Poetry Discussion

The Devil's Dictionary


Haiku for People

Neurotic Poets

Rubaiyat of Omay Khayyam

Stevie Smith

Welcome to Haiku

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:::: Algernon Charles Swinburne ::::

5 April 1837 - 10 April 1909

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=If your site is questionable/offensive, then I won't list it. But I'll still list you as a fan. Who decides what is questionable/offensive? Me, cause I keep the listing. But I'm relatively hard to offend and I find the questionable to be good thought-provoking conversation. So, relax and join.

=Tell me what you think! Ideas? Suggestions? Criticism? Share it, just be gentle. I'm an Aquarius, we don't generally take criticism very well.

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©2004-2008 All Rights Reserved by: swinburne and me
"I would find grievous ways to have thee slain, Intense device, and superflux of pain"